So you may be thinking if I can’t have garlic then why would I be allowed to have garlic infused olive oil right? Well we are here to explain why garlic infused olive oil is tota
So you may be thinking if I can’t have garlic then why would I be allowed to have garlic infused olive oil right? Well we are here to explain why garlic infused olive oil is tota
A common question we get asked here at Stream Diagnostics is whether exercise is allowed on the day of breath testing. The answer is no. Why? Well to begin, it helps to understand
Firstly, despite their name they are not alcoholic. Sugar alcohols are often used as lower calorie options to standard sugar as they contribute lesser calories than that of standar
Here at Stream Diagnostics we test for Fructose, Lactose, Glucose, Sucrose, Mannitol and Sorbitol malabsorption. But how are these sugars related to the FODMAPs? Firstly FODMAP sta
Fructose Malabsorption What is Fructose? Fructose is a monosaccharide (FODMAP) or singlesugar molecule found in a variety of foods and food groups. Fructose can be found as free fr
When carbohydrates/sugars are malabsorbed they remain in the intestine where they can be subject to bacterial fermentation. This fermentation process involves the production of hyd
Lactase is an intestinal enzyme required to cleave lactose into its readily absorbable monosaccharides glucose and galactose [1].Lactose Intolerance occurs when there is a lactase
What is Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (AKA SIBO) SIBO occurs when bacteria which normally reside in the large intestine, migrate into the small intestine, which can lead to